To view the Work Party Schedule – Click Work Party Schedule
For a site overview video by TJ Thran of Endless Decade, LLC – Click TP Overview 3/11/18
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Work Party Alert Saturday 9/4/21, 9AM – NOON.
We will be working in the Successional Field and also pulling Japanese Knotweed under the bridge. Come on out! The weather looks perfect for a day at Taylor Point!
Work Party Alert! Saturday, August 7, 9AM – NOON
We will be working in the upper parking lot circle and in the successional field and possibly some other areas as well. Join us!
Work Party Alert! Saturday, 7/17/21 9AM – NOON
Do you know what “keystone species” are? No? Join us Saturday and find out! We’ll take on the Greenbriar between the beach and the successional…
Work Party Alert: July 3, 9AM – NOON.
Join us to take on the Greenbriar and other vines in the Successional Field and perhaps also in the Black Cherry Woodland. We’ll meet in…
See past Events…
New Updated List of RI’s Invasive Plants
The Rhode Island Invasive Species Council (RIISC) has recently updated its list of Rhode Island’s invasive plants. Many of the plants that appear on the new list are present in Jamestown. Many of these species…
As we begin to move slowly forward with slightly less restrictive COVID precautions, TPRA is preparing to host work parties consistent with the URI Master Gardener Program guidance. For Taylor Point, this guidance sets the…
CRMC Awards TPRA Path and Habitat Restoration Grant
TPRA is pleased to announce that the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) has awarded us a $4800 grant through the Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration Trust Fund. Under this project TPRA will conduct three tasks:…
Read more… CRMC Awards TPRA Path and Habitat Restoration Grant
The Vivian J. Palmieri Trust Awards TPRA $15,000 Grant
On December 27, 2017, The Trustees of Vivian Palmieri’s Charitable Trust awarded the Taylor Point Restoration Association ( TPRA ) $15,000 to support the restoration project planned for the Potter Cove Beach area. The Association…
Read more… The Vivian J. Palmieri Trust Awards TPRA $15,000 Grant