On December 27, 2017, The Trustees of Vivian Palmieri’s Charitable Trust awarded the Taylor Point Restoration Association ( TPRA ) $15,000 to support the restoration project planned for the Potter Cove Beach area. The Association recognizes this area as a key priority in the overall restoration of Taylor Point. We plan to remove invasive species from the back beach, the wetlands and the wooded swamp along Potter Cove Beach and revegetate with native species, including some native rose species.

As this area is certain to be affected by sea level rise, one key challenge we face is that of developing a planting strategy that considers and can accommodate the changing species composition that will be driven largely by future rising seas and storms. This grant will enable us to enlist experts to help guide our restoration planning and it also will support the purchase of native stock.
TPRA is most grateful to the Vivian J. Palmieri Trust for supporting our efforts.